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Description générée automatiquementI WILL STANDPsalm 46

God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.
Therefore we will not fear, even though the earth be removed,
And though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea;
Though its waters roar and be troubled,
Though the mountains shake with its swelling.

God is our refuge and strength — Are we in danger from visible or invisible enemies? Are we oppressed with troubles and distresses? Let’s just remember how God has always "proved" Himself in the past, He is our refuge, to Whom we may flee and in Whom we may be safe. He is a very present help, never far to seek and easy to be found.

Therefore we will not fear —   Therefore (here is the conclusion, the consequence of having such a God), it is not right for us to claim that God is our refuge, a God of love, a good God, and then fear, because that is the opposite reaction !!  We are supposed to have faith, to believe these truths and our reaction should be : therefore we will not fear !

Though the earth — the very foundation on which we stand; should be removed — should no longer support us but sink under us, threatening to swallow us up ;  and though the mountains — the strongest and firmest parts of the earth; be carried into the midst of the sea — and lie buried in the unfathomed ocean; Though the waters thereof roar and be troubled — though the seas rage and foam, and make a dreadful noise, and its furious billows lash the shore with so much violence that the mountains shake with its swelling. 

Imagine opening your door and the earth is gone !! Even then, we should not fear !
How many things are we worried about right now that have not happened yet and that may never happen? How many weights are we carrying that are robbing us of our happiness, energy, maybe even of our health, as a lot of health issues are caused just by stress, worry and fear ?

On a scale of 0 to 100, maybe our problems are at 90 or even 99, but are they as big as the earth being removed ? This is even more than 1000 on the scale !! Does that dwarf our problems ? We may be faced with a lot of huge problems, but are they as big as this ? But even then, because God is our God, we should not fear !

I am not saying we should stick our head in the sand and ignore what is going on around us. No, but we can look right at the situation in our life or in the world and not worry, because our God is bigger than that.

God is not going to remove all the challenges we face but He will help us to deal with them and get through them. We don’t have to be beaten up by circumstances, being subject to whatever the world decides or held hostages by circumstances that surround us. We can act like people who have a good, omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent God, because we do. He never sleeps nor slumbers, we don’t have to fear in this fear-filled world. He knows we live in times of great stress and trouble, hard to deal with and hard to bear.                                                                                                                                                                                                                         We face many things that are bigger than us, but we have a God who is bigger than all these things and He has promised to take care of us. We can cast our cares upon Him because He cares for us.

I rest on Your promises,

Let the waters rise, I will stand as the oceans roar,

Let the earth shake beneath me, let the mountains fall,

You are God over the storm and I am Yours.